Jurnal Peternakan (e-ISSN: 2355-9470 | p-ISSN: 1829-8729) is a scientific journal focusing on all aspects of animal science. The journal was published since 2004 by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and consistently published twice a year in February and September. Jurnal Peternakan associated with Himpunan Ilmuwan Peternakan Indonesia (HILPI).
Jurnal Peternakan
topics including: animal production, animal feed and nutrition, animal reproduction and breeding, animal post-harvest technology, socio-economic livestock, and animal health.Jurnal Peternakan
publishes research results and article review on topics including:a. animal production,
b. animal feed and nutrition,
c. animal reproduction and breeding,
d. animal post-harvest technology,
e. socio-economic livestock, and
f. animal health.

Vol 22, No 1 (2025): Februari 2025
Full Issue
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Table of Contents
Achmad Firman, Mochamad Ali Mauludin, Khansa Nurul Salsabila, Tendy Kusmayadi
Hasna Fajar Suryani, Sumadi Sumadi, Nadlirotun Luthfi
Dewi Ananda Mucra, Bakhendri Solfan, Anwar Efendi Harahap, Jepri Juliantoni, Triani Adelina, Muhamad Rodiallah, Arsyadi Ali, Evi Irawati, Mestia Mulianti
Theresia Nur Indah Koni, Cytske Sabuna, Asrul Asrul, Devi Anthonia Juliana Ndolu
Achmad Raisman Saeful Mumin, Lilis Riyanti, Kenedy Putra
Anneke K. Rintjap, Jolanda K.J. Kalangi, Judy M. Tumewu, Richard EMF Osak
Reggina Putri Arisya, Muthia Dewi, Irzal Irda, Dihan Kurnia, Debby Syukriani, Devi Kumala Sari, Novadhila Rahmi
Yanuartono Yanuartono, Indarjulianto Soedarmanto, Alsi Dara Paryuni
Eko Pebrianto, Deni Novia, Ely Vebriyanti
Fachry Pratama Alkarief, Nuraini Nuraini, Azhar Azhar, Wizna Wizna, Nela Gustia, Salsa Andila Putri
Julinda Romauli Manullang, Juliandri Manullang
Fajri Maulana, Fadhli Fajri, Bunga Putri Febrina, Dwi Sandri, Malikil Kudus Susalam, Satri Yusasra Agasi, Heppy Setya Prima