An-Nida' is an international journal that provides a forum for scholarly discourse on Islamic thought in the Malay World and the social aspects of Muslim communities in Indonesia. This issue has been available online since 24th September 2023. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 22 authors from 6 affiliations and 3 countries (Egypt, Turkey & Indonesia).
Table of Contents
Senata Adi Prasetia, Muhammad Fahmi, Moh. Faizin
1 - 21
Arman Budiman
22 - 37
Nur Robbaniyah, Noer Hidayat MJ, Velida Apria Ningrum, Nur Afina Ulya
38 - 54
Choirur Rois, Farhan Masrury, Arfad Zikri
55 - 72
Jumni Nelli, Nia Elmiati Jaafar
73 - 90
M. Riyan Hidayat, Roma Wijaya, Muhafizah el-Feyza, Muh. Alwi HS, Muhammad Akmaluddin, Nazarmanto Nazarmanto
91 - 105
Hikmawati Sultani, Arifuddin Ahmad, Muhammad Yahya
106 - 123