
Issue Title
Vol 47, No 2 (2023): December Gender Bias in the Book “Syarh 'Uqudul Lujain fi Bayani Huquq al-Zaujain” by Nawawi Al-Bantani Abstract  PDF
Alma'arif Alma'arif, Muhajir Muhajir
Vol 48, No 2 (2024): December Habitus and Cultural Capital of Muslim Women: The Case of Women’s Empowerment in Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Gamping, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Siti Nur Amanah, Adib Khairil Musthafa
Vol 43, No 1 (2019): January - June Offiside Kesetaraan Gender (Kritik Terhadap Liberasi Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif Al-Qur'an) Abstract  PDF
Afriadi Putra, Khairunnas Jamal, Nasrul Fatah
Vol 45, No 2 (2021): July - December Gender Dan Lingkungan Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Abstract  PDF
Mhd Shodiq, Abu Anwar
Vol 36, No 2 (2011): July - December 2011 EVALUASI MATERI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM PERSPEKTIF GENDER Abstract  PDF
Jumni Nelli
Vol 48, No 1 (2024): June Building a Gender-Responsive Higher Education Institution through Collaborative Governance Abstract  PDF
Mustiqowati Ummul Fithriyyah, Ilmi Puspita Sari, Monalisa Monalisa
Vol 44, No 1 (2020): January - June Respon Al-Qur’an tentang Permasalahan Seputar Gender Abstract  PDF
Syofrianisda Syofrianisda
Vol 43, No 2 (2019): July - December Hermeneutika Tauhid; Kritik terhadap Penafsiran Amina Wadud tentang Nusyuz Abstract  PDF
Miftahul Janah, Muhammad Yasir
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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