Pajri Anwar, Ondho Y, Samsudewa D


This study aims to determine the motility and livability of the Bali bull semen with filtered sugarcane juice and the addition of egg yolk and preserved at a temperature of 50C. Semen used in this study was taken from four tested quality semen from Bali bull. The components of the extender used in this study are ; filtered sugarcane juice, egg yolk, distilled water and the antibiotic Streptomycin and penicillin. The material used in this study were ; four selected Bali cattle which were observed to have quality semen ; the extender used consisted of extracted sugar cane juice, egg yolks, distilled water and antibiotics. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used consisted of four treatments and 4 replications. The treatments applied were as follows ; T1 (10% extracted sugar cane juice + 20% egg yolk + 70% distilled water); T2 (15% extracted sugar cane juice + 20% egg yolk + 65% distilled water); T3 (20% extracted sugar cane juice + 20% egg yolk + 60% distilled water); T4 (25% extracted sugar cane juice + 20% egg yolk + 55% distilled water).The results showed that there were no significant effect (P>0.05) between treatments under different extender concentration levels and preservation days at a temperature of 50C for motility and livabilitas. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the quality of Bali cattle’s liquid semen during the six days of preservation at 50C is above the average of 40% for the motility and livability. Among the various treatments the concentration of 25% extracted sugar cane juice with the addition of 20% egg yolk (T4) produced the best result.



bali cattle, sperm; extracts sugarcane juice; egg yolks; extender


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