Perngaruh Penggantian Rumput Gajah dengan Solid Ex-Decanter dalam Ransum Ternak Sapi Potong terhadap Karakteristik Fermentasi Rumen secara In Vitro

Muhammad Ambar Islahuddin, Teja Kaswari, Heni Suryani, Muhammad Afdal


ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian rumput gajah dengan solid ex-decanter dalam ransum ternak sapi potong terhadap produksi gas total dan karakteristik fermentasi rumen secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dievaluasi terdiri dari P1 = 100% Rumput Gajah, P2 = 80% Rumput Gajah: 20 % Solid Ex-Decanter, P3 = 60% Rumput Gajah : 40% Solid Ex-Decanter, P4 = 40% Rumput Gajah : 60% Solid Ex-Decanter, P5 = 20% Rumput Gajah: 70% Solid Ex-Decanter, P6 = 100% Solid Ex-Decanter. Sampel digiling dan disaring dengan alat penyaring ukuran 1 mm. Sebanyak 1 g sampel dari tiap perlakuan diinkubasi dengan larutan anaerobik medium (8 ml cairan rumen + 32 ml Mcdoughall) pada suhu 39oC selama 48 jam. Pada akhir periode inkubasi,  residu dipisahkan menggunakan sentrifuge sehingga terpisah antara supernatant dan residu. Supernatant digunakan untuk analisis VFA, NHdan pH. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukan bahwa level solid ex-decanter perlakuan P1-P6 berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap produksi gas total, konsentrasi VFA dan konsentrasi NHnamun tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pH.. Hasil uji polynomial orthogonal dari produksi gas total, VFA dan NH3 diperoleh hubungan  Y = -0,394x + 140,65; Y = -0,2417x + 89,292; Y = -0,0239x + 4,3262.  Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan solid ex-decanter pada taraf 100% tidak dapat menggantikan rumput gajah, penggunaan solid ex-decanter dapat menggantikan rumput gajah pada taraf 20%.

Influence Replacement Pennisetum Purpureum with Solid Ex-Decanter in Beef Cattle  Fed on In vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic 

ABSTRACTThe study aimed to determine the effect of replacing elephant grass with solid ex-decanter in beef cattle fed on total gas production and  the characteristics of rumen fermentation in vitro. This study used a complete randomized design with 6 treatments of 3 repeats. The treatment consists of P1 = 100% Elephant Grass, P2 = 80% Elephant Grass: 20 % Solid Ex-Decanter, P3 = 60% Elephant Grass : 40% Solid Ex-Decanter, P4 = 40% Elephant Grass : 60% Solid Ex-Decanter, P5 = 20% Elephant Grass: 70% Solid Ex-Decanter, P6 = 100% Solid Ex-Decanter. The sample is ground and filtered with a filter tool size of 1 mm. A total of 1 g of samples from each treatment were incubated with a medium anaerobic solution at a temperature of 39oC for 48 hours. At the end of the incubation period, the residues were separated using centrifuge so that they separated between the supernatant and the residue, a supernatant solution was used to calculate VFA, NHand pH. The results of the variety analysis showed that the solid ex-decanter level of P1-P6 treatment had a very significantly effect (P<0.01) on total gas production, VFA concentration and NH concentration but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on pHThe orthogonal polynomial result showed that there is a linear relationship between total gas production, VFA and NH3 with the equation Y = -0,394x + 140,65; Y = -0,2417x + 89,292; Y = -0,0239x + 4,3262.  It was concluded that the use of solid ex-decanter at the level of 100% cannot replace elephant grass, the use of solid ex-decanter can replace elephant grass at the level of 20%.

Keywords : Rumen fermentation, solid levelin vitro.


Fermentasi rumen, level solid, in vitro


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