Sistem Produksi dan Produktivitas Itik Manila Lokal di Pulau Lombok

Mohammad Hasil Tamzil, Budi Indarsih


ABSTRAK. Itik Manila merupakan salah satu plasma nutfah yang mempunyai kontribusi signifikan sebagai penyangga ketahanan pangan nasional, namun belum banyak tersedia data sistem produksi dan kinerja produksinya. Penentuan sampel wilayah penelitian dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, sedangkan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan metode quantitative sampling. Data diperoleh dengan mewawancarai masing-masing 50 responden (peternak itik Manila) di daerah basah dan kering, serta 30 responden di daerah padat penduduk pulau Lombok yang ditentukan menggunakan metode Snowball. Untuk mengetahui pola produksi dan produktivitas itik Manila dilakukan pengamatan langsung ke lokasi usaha, dan melakukan pengukuran performa produksi pada masing-masing peternak. Pelaksanaan wawancara dibantu oleh daftar pertanyaan serta alat ukur berupa timbangan merk ohaus kapasitas 5 kg dan kepekaan 1 g. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa pemeliharaan itik Manila di pulau Lombok sebagian besar menggunakan sistem semi intensif dengan menggunakan dedak padi dan atau nasi aking sebagai pakan, sedangkan di daerah padat penduduk, pakan itik Manila dicampur ampas tahu. Performa produksi itik Manila lokal Lombok di daerah padat penduduk relatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan itik Manila dari daerah kering dan basah.

Kata kunci: itik Manila, performa produksi, bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, ampas tahu

Production System and Productivity of Local Muscovy Duck, Lombok Island

ABSTRACT. Muscovy duck is one of the germplasm that has a significant contribution in Indonesia’ national food security. However, data of the duck’ production system and production performance are not yet available. The study was conducted on the island of Lombok by determining the sample area using the purposive sampling method, while the number of samples was determined by the quantitative sampling method. The data was obtained by interviewing 50 respondents (Muscovy duck farmers) in wet and dry areas, and 30 respondents in the suburbs of Lombok Island, which were determined using the snowball method. To determine the pattern of the production and the productivity of Muscovy duck s, direct observations were made to business locations and productions of each breeder’s performance were measured. The interview was assisted by a list of questions and measuring instruments in the form of an Ohaus brand scale with a capacity of 5 kg and a sensitivity of 1 gram. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the maintenance of local Muscovy duck s on the island of Lombok uses a semi-intensive system using rice bran and or aking rice as feed, while in suburban areas, Muscovy duck feed is mixed with tofu dregs. The production performance of local Muscovy duck s in Lombok in densely populated areas is relatively better than that of Muscovy duck s from dry and wet areas.


Muscovy duck, production performance, body weight, feed consumption, tofu dregs


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