Karakteristik Suara kokok Ayam Burgo Jantan Kota Bengkulu
ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik suara kokok ayam Burgo di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Pagar Dewa, Kecamatan Slebar, Kota Bengkulu. Sampel dipilih dengan purposive sampling dengan kriteria 10 ekor ayam Burgo jantan umur 6 bulan ke atas. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah handphone android, perekam suara dan Software Cool Edit-Pro. Variabel yang diamati meliputi jumlah suara kokok, durasi kokok dan frekuensi kokok. Data yang terkumpul ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kokok ayam Burgo di Kota Bengkulu pada pagi hari (05.00-07.00 WIB) sebanyak 120 kali, siang hari (11.00-13.00 WIB) sebanyak 50 kali, dan pada sore hari (15.00–17.00 WIB) adalah 57 kali. Durasi kokok ayam Burgo adalah 1,51 detik pada pagi hari, 1,86 detik pada siang hari, dan 1,61 detik pada sore hari. Frekuensi kokok ayam jantan Burgo peliharaan di Kota Bengkulu adalah 19,03 kali/10 menit. Disimpulkan bahwa puncak aktivitas waktu berkokok ayam Burgo jantan di Kota Bengkulu terjadi di pagi hari (05.00–07.00 WIB) dengan rata-rata 1,51 detik dengan durasi terpanjang selama 1,86 detik dan rata-rata frekuensi 120,9 kali. Rata-rata frekuensi kokok ayam Burgo secara keseluruhan mencapai 19,03 kali/10 menit.
Kata Kunci: Ayam jantan burgo, karakteristik suara kokok.
Crowing Characteristic of Bengkulu’s Burgo Rooster
ABSTRACT. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the crowing of the Burgo chicken in Bengkulu City. The research was conducted at Pagar Dewa Village, Slebar District, Bengkulu City. The samples selected using purposive sampling with the criteria of 10 Burgo chickens aged 6 months and over. The instruments used are android handphone, voice recorders and cool edit-pro software. The variables observed included the crowing number, crowing duration and crowing frequency. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The result showed that the crowing number of the Burgo roosters in Bengkulu City in the morning (05.00-07.00 a.m) was 120 times, noon (11.00 a.m-01.00 p.m) was 50 times, and in the afternoon (03.00 - 05.00 p.m) was 57 times. The crowing durations of the Burgo rooster were 1.51 seconds in the morning, 1.86 seconds in the noon and 1.61 seconds in the afternoon. The crowing frequency of domesticated Burgo rooster in Bengkulu City was 19,03 times/10 minutes. It can be concluded that the crowing peak of the Burgo rooster in Bengkulu City occurred in the morning (05.00 – 07.00 a.m) with an averge of 1, 51seconds and the longest duration was 1.86 seconds per crowing with the average frequency of 120,9 times per crowing and the total average frequency of the crowing was 19 times/10 minutes.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jupet.v19i1.15047
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