Penanganan Ayam Broiler Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemotongan: Studi Pengolahan Daging Broiler di Kota Mataram dan Sekitarnya

M. H. Tamzil, I. N. S. Jaya, M. Ichsan, Asnawi Asnawi, N. K. D. Haryani, P. Nugroho


ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola penanganan dan pemotongan ayam broiler di kota Mataram dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode surve dan wawancara mendalam serta melakukan pengamatan langsung ke tempat usaha. Sebagai sumber data adalah peternak, pengepul, dan pemotong yang tersebar di kota Mataram dan sekitarnya. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode Nonprobability Sampling, dengan penentuan peternak dan pengepul menggunakan metode Sampling Insidental, sedangkan penentuan sampel RPA menggunakan metode Snowball Sampling. Peubah yang diamati adalah: a). Karakteristik responden, b). Penanganan di ahir masa pemeliharaan, c). Pola penangkapan dan pemindahan ke boks dan kendaraan angkut, d). Waktu pengangkutan, e) Lama dan jarak pengangkutan, f). Penanganan ayam saat pemindahan dari kendaraan angkut ke tempat karantina, g). Perlakuan pengistirahatan, h). Pelaksanaan penyembelihan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa proses penangkapan dan pengangkutan ayam broiler dari peternak ke tempat pemotongan ayam (TPA) tidak dijumpai adanya pelanggaran Animal welfare, namun ada indikasi pelanggaran di proses pencelupan di air panas setelah penyembelihan. Proses penyembelihan masih belum mengikuti prosudur baku yang ditetapkan oleh Direktorat Kesmavet dan Pasca Panen, dan BSNI, namun sudah mengikuti prosudur baku yang ditetapkan oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tergolong daging halal.

Handling of Broiler Before and After Slaughter: Study of Broiler Meat Processing in Mataram City and its Surroundings

ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the pattern of handling and slaughtering broiler chickens in the city of Mataram and its surroundings. The study was conducted using survey methods and in-depth interviews and direct observations of the place of business. Data were collected from farmesr, distributors, and butchers in the city of Mataram and its surroundings. The samples were determined using the Nonprobability Sampling method. Farmer and distributor were determined using the Incidental Sampling method, while the RPA samples were determined using the Snowball Sampling method. The observed variables were: a). Characteristics of respondents,  b). Handling at the end of the rearing period, c). The pattern of catching and transferring of the chickens to boxes and transport vehicles, d). Time of transportation, e) Length and distance of transportation, f). Handling of chickens when moved from transport vehicles to quarantine facilities, g). Rest treatment, h). Slaughter implementation. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the process of catching and transporting broiler chickens from farmer to chicken slaughterhouses did not violate animal wefare, but there were violation indications when the chickens were put in hot water after slaughtering. The slaughtering process still does not follow the standard procedure set by the Directorate of Veterinary Public Health and Post-Harvest, and BSNI, but has followed the standard procedure set by the Indonesian Ulama Council, so the final product is classified as halal meat.


Proses pengangkutan, penangkapan, penyembelihan, prosesing daging, halal


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