Komunikasiana: Journal of Communication Studies

Komunikasiana: Journal of Communication Studies Print ISSN 2654-4695 | Online ISSN 2654-7651 is an academic journal published by Dakwah and Communication Faculty of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. This journal publishes the results of research on communication studies: Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR), Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication, Cross Culture Communication, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.

Komunikasiana: Journal of Communication Studies is an open-access journal, published twice a year (June and December). Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.

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Vol 6, No 1 (2024): In Press

Table of Contents


Mustafa Mustafa, Rohayati Rohayati, Nur Alhidayatillah