Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching [P-ISSN 2355-5971 | E-ISSN 2964-6448] is a peer-reviewed journal published by Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. It publishes scholarly articles in the area of English Language Teaching in general, but also has a special interest in articles focusing on issues such as the integration of ELT and the teaching of Islamic values/knowledge, the integration of language skills in ELT, the integration of ICT into ELT, or the integration of teaching other school subjects into ELT. The journal publishes two times a year in June and December. It is indexed in Google Scholar, Crossref, GARUDA, and Moraref. It is important to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English.

Journal title Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching
Subject English Language Teaching
Language English
ISSN Print ISSN 2355-5971 & E-ISSN 2964-6448
Frequency Twice a year (June and December)
Publisher Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan
Syarif Kasim Riau
OAI http://
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Vol 10, No 2 (2024): IJIELT: VOLUME 10, NUMBER 2, 2024
Table of Contents
Gaguk Rudianto, Zia Hisni Mubarak
Kristian Florensio Wijaya
Abdul Awal
Paidi Gusmuliana, Citra Kusumawati, Prihantoro Prihantoro
Mawaddah Warahmah
Andini Yunita