Tahsin al-Qur’an based on Hijrah Trend Among Muslim Housewives

Khotimah Khotimah, Abd Ghofur, Khairiah Khairiah


The hijrah movement in this decade has often become an alternative choice for Muslims in various circles, but the most written about by many people was millennials. One of the interesting things about this paper is a collective hijrah movement carried out by housewives in the form of tahsin al-Qur'an activities, the tahsin al-Qur'an community has a significant influence on the family. This research was conducted on Muslim housewives in urban areas. The data collection technique was carried out by using snowball sampling technique. The reason for taking this technique is because the author wants to find data from the right informant and see where the informant and the others are located at a considerable distance. The implications of Tahsin al-Qur’an by housewives could build piety that has an impact on the family, there were two implications First: Hijrah as a behavior of piety towards the husband. Where communication between wife and husband getting closer after Hijrah. Obedience to husbands was prioritized as taught in Islamic’ law and education. Second: Hijrah as a change in thinking about education for children. The interest of Hijrah actors in Tahsin al-Qur'an has influenced their paradigm of thinking to learn and read the Qur'an properly not only for them, but also for their families, especially for their children. Third, the development of a mindset of inclusivism towards people or individuals in the community who have not yet made Hijrah


Hijrah; Tahssin; housewives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jush.v32i1.25989


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