Examining the Intersection of Prophetic Hadith and Intellect: Authenticity, Contradiction, and Scholarly Perspectives

Habiburrahman Rizapoor, Naqibuddin Qazizada, Ahmad Maulidizen


The question of whether intellect can be used to weaken a hadith is a matter of debate among Muslim scholars. Some argue that a hadith cannot be weaken by intellect, while others believe that intellect can be used to assess the weakness of a hadith. This article examines the question of whether a prophetic hadith can be considered weak if it conflicts with intellect. It also explores the different theories that have been proposed by Muslim scholars on this issue. The research employs analytical and library research methods, drawing on a range of scholarly works including books, academic articles, and writings by Muslim scholars. The study reveals that when the authenticity of a hadith is uncertain and it contradicts intellect, it can be deemed weak. However, if a hadith is deemed authentic by hadith scholars, two distinct theories emerge among Muslim scholars. The first theory, argues that a sound intellect will never contradict an authentic hadith, and cannot be weaken. In contrast, the second theory posits that a prophetic hadith should be considered weak if it conflicts with intellect. The findings of this paper indicate that a prophetic hadith, when narrated through a strong chain of narrators tracing back to the Prophet Muhammad, cannot inherently contradict the intellect. However, if a hadith contradicts sound intellect, it can serve as a valid reason to question its authenticity


Hadith; Intellect; Authenticity; Weakening hadith and intellect; Tad'if al-Hadith bil-'Aql

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jush.v32i1.22749


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