Efek Rukyah sebelum Pemotongan terhadap Hematologi Ayam Broiler
ABSTRAK. Rukyah merupakan salah satu upaya menekan stres ternak sebelum pemotongan yang digali dari nilai-nilai norma dan adat yang berkembang di masyarakat. Rukyah secara bahasa artinya jampi-jampi atau mantera atau do’a. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan data dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki metode pemingsanan ternak sebelum pemotongan dengan metode rukyah sehingga dapat mengetahui efek rukyah sebelum pemotongan terhadap profil hematologi ayam broiler. Dievaluasi dua puluh marker darah ayam broiler jantan jenis Abror acres umur 27 hari dengan bobot badan 900-1000 gdari 4 perlakuan sebelum pemotongan (P1 = kontrol, P2 = pembacaan rukyah secara lisan, P3 = pembacaan rukyah secara rekaman, dan P4 = pemingsanan listrik) dan 5 ulangan menggunakan metode eksamen Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Parameter penelitian adalah leokosit, limfosit, heterofil dan rasio H/L. Rukyah secara lisan sebelum pemotongan ayam broiler merupakan hasil penjajalan terbaik antar perlakuan terhadap parameter heterofil 25,43±0,13%, leukosit 22,30±0,13103/mm3, rasio H/L 0,44±0,00% dan rukyah rekaman sebelum pemotongan ayam broiler merupakan hasil penjajalan terbaik antar perlakuan terhadap limfosit 58,14±0,02%. Kesimpulan penelitian efek rukyah sebelum pemotongan ayam menunjukkan tren menurunkan terhadap hematologi (leukosit, heterofil, limfosit dan rasio H/L) ayam broiler.
Rukyah’s Effect on the Hematology of Broiler Chickens Prior to Slaughter
ABSTRACT. Rukyah is one of the efforts to suppress livestock stress pre-slaughter which is extracted from the norms and customs that develop in the community. Rukyah literally means incantation or incantation or prayer. The purpose of the study was to obtain basic data that can be used to improve the stunning method of livestock pre-slaughtering with the rukyah method so as to determine the effect of rukyah pre-slaughter on the hematological profile of broiler chickens.Twenty blood markers of broilers manly abrortypes acres age of 27 days with a range of 900-1000 g body weight were divided into 4 treatment (P1 = control, P2 = reading rukyahorally, P3 = rukyah reading by recording, and P4 = stunning by electricity) prior to pre-slaughter and 5 replications by experimental of complete randomized design (CRD). Parameters observed were leukocytes, lymphocytes, heterophile and ratio H/L.Based can be on the results of this study showed that oral treatment of rukyah before slaughtering broiler chickensas psychological therapy was the best treatment among treatments for leukocytes 22.30 ± 0.13103/mm3, heterophile 25.43 ± 0.13%, ratio H / L 0.44 ± 0.00% and rukyah recorded pre-slaughter broiler chickens as psychological therapy was the best treatment among treatments for lymphocytes 58.14 ± 0.02%. The conclusion of this study was the rukyah method pre-slaughter broiler chickens as a psychological therapy showed a lower trend of hematology (leukocytes, heterophiles, lymphocytes and ratio H / L) broiler chickens.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jupet.v18i2.10354
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