Muhammad Akmaluddin


The fuqahâ’ (Legal Scholars) and muḥadditsûn (Hadith experts) have constructed the
epistemology of Sharḥ Hadith in al-Andalus by its use and application. Interpreting Hadith
by understanding the reality and context in al-Andalus provides a comparative understanding
for society to better get the messages of the Hadith, rather than focus on its transmission and
validity rules. Such approach is taken considering the situation and condition in al-Andalus
demand the dissemination of practical knowledge, not theoretical knowledge as in Masyriq (the
East) where the people have achieved deeper knowledge. The epistemology developed by ‘Abd
al-Malik bin Ḥabîb (d. 238/852) in the second to the third century AH gives an illustration that
Sharḥ Hadith is developed in its epistemic corridor. Basically, the study of Sharḥ Hadith in Al-
Andalus does not only have a passive role in the domination of Islamic centrist in the Masyriq,
but also play an active role in interpreting various situations and conditions in the region.
The relation of power between the Mâlik School and local knowledge in the epistemology of
Sharḥ Hadith hadith are productive, producing practical and principle-based knowledge for
the people in al-Andalus


Epistemology; Syarḥ Hadith; al-Andalus; Mâlik School

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