Epistemology of Thought Study of Muhammad Imarah View On Th Presence Of Hermeneutics As A Methiode Of Interpretation

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The study of hermeneutics has recently become an academic focus, especially in Islamic thought and tafsir (Interpretation) circles. Because hermeneutics offers a methodology in interpreting the text of the Koran. However, not all figures use hermeneutics as a method of interpretation, more there are those who do not accept the presence of hermeneutics as a method of interpretation, this means that hermeneutics has a very negative impression in Muhammad Imarah perspective, so they criticize epistemological reasoning for the presence of hermeneutics as a theory of interpretation. Specifically, there are several fundamental aspects which are the focus point of this research, namely, First, what is the concept of hermeneutics? Second, what is the epistemology of Muhammad Imarah thinking regarding hermeneutics? This type of research is literature review-based research (Library Research) by analyzing research sources, books, journals and relevant references to answer the problems in the research. The result of this research is that Muhammad Imarah view of hermeneutics is underestimated and considers hermeneutics to be a western theory that cannot be applied in understanding the Koran, let alone in the realm of interpreting. Imarah discredits the view and understanding that in hermeneutics the position of every reader is very special and plays an important role, Imarah calls it a deified position, while the author himself is considered to be gone (dead) and the meaning and purpose that the author wants to convey are considered non-existent. Imarah's view of hermeneutics is the same as Imarah pattern of viewing other traditions and civilizations originating from the west which is not accepted by Islam and therein lies the deficiency of an Islamic thinker who is in fact a professor in the field of Islamic philosophy


Epistemology; Views; Muhammad Imarah; hermeneutics

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Muhammad ‘Imarah,Hadza Huwa al-Islam: Qira’at al-Nashsh al-Dini Bayna al Ta’wil al-Gharbi wa Ta’wil al-Islami,Kairo: Maktabah al-Syuruq al-Dualiyyah, 2006

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jush.v32i1.29073


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