Islamization of Western Social Contract Theory from the Perspective of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

Sugeng Wanto, Muhammad Sofian Hidayat


The secular social contract as the basis of democracy gives birth to policies and laws that are far from religious principles and norms. For example, the legalisation of same-sex marriage and the legalisation of prostitution in most Western countries. This is certainly not in line with Islamic values and needs Islamisation. For this reason, this article aims to explain al-Attas' idea of Islamisation and social contract theory as an example, in order to become an alternative way of Islamic politics. Through literature research with a content analysis approach, it can be concluded that first, the Western social contract is based on an anthropocentric and secular paradigm. Second, the agreement between people with the general will becomes the determinant of policy, third, there is a need for Islamisation of social contract theory with the concept of bai'ah which has a theocentric or tawhidi paradigm, as an alternative way of Islamic politics


Islamization; Bai'ah; Social Contract; SMN al-Attas

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