Distorted The Facts An Act Of Sexual Harassment The Perspective Of The Ulamas' Interpretation (A New Approach And Direction In Understanding Facts)

Deniansyah Damanik, Ahmad Romzi


There are so many cases of sexual harassment that have occurred until now, but not a few people have distorted the facts about sexual harassment. Therefore, because this sexual harassment often occurs to women, then what if it is actually a distortion of the facts? That there is no actual sexual harassment! In this paper, we will see how the facts of sexual harassment are distorted from the perspective of the scholars of interpretation, how to reveal actual cases of sexual harassment, and provide a new approach and direction in understanding a fact. This research uses library research, which is sourced from the Koran and a number of books of interpretation. The approach in this study is an interpretive science approach and there are also a number of correspondent, coherent, pragmatism, and legal certainty theories. So it was found that the twisting of the facts of sexual harassment is in the Koran, and other findings in revealing the twisting of the facts of sexual harassment, the scholars of interpretation explain the ways of disclosure such as denying and straightening the actual story, the witness of sexual harassment can be a child, the number of witnesses which is only 1 person, witness statements that are rational (reasonable), quality of evidence, evidence of clues, inanimate objects can be witnesses, presumptions, punishments for sexual harassment cases, women are better at lying, the passions of experienced women are very difficult to control, Sexual harassment is shameful behavior and tends to be covered up, the ability to access the law is not the same between ordinary people and people in power


Sexual Harassment; Cleric Interpretation; Facts Playback

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/jush.v31i2.19626


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