Madania: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman

MADANIA: Jurnal-Jurnal Keislaman (ISSN Print: 2088-3226|ISSN Online: 2620-8210are journals that contain research results, conceptual ideas, new book reviews, manuscript studies in the fields of Islam, Science, and Humanity, with a concentration on Tarbiyah, Syari'ah, Ushuluddin, and Da'wah disciplines. This journal is published twice a year, June and November.

Focus: This journal should coverage Islam both as a textual tradition with its own historical integrity and as a social reality which was dynamic and constantly changing. The journal also aims at bridging the gap between the textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies; and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. So, the journal invites the intersection of several disciplines and scholars. In other words, its contributors borrowed from a range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences.
Scope: Qur’anic and Hadith Studies, Arabic Language and literature, Islamic Education, Islamic Economics, Islamic Civilization, Islamic Thought, Islamic law, Islamic Theology, Muslim Societies and Politics, Islam and the Muslim World, Anthropology, Sociology, and many more.


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Journal titleMadania: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
SubjectIslamic Studies
ISSNPrint ISSN 2088-3226 | Online ISSN 2620-8210
FrequencyTwice a year (June and November)
DOIPrefix 10.24014/jiik
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar
Editor-in-chiefMuhammad Fahli Zatrahadi
PublisherKopertais Wilayah XII Riau-Kepri



Apology Message

Dear colleagues and readers, We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while accessing the Madania: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman website during the electricity maintenance from 13-14 November 2020. Madania: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman is back up and running now. Thank you.  
Posted: 2020-11-16
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Vol 15, No 1 (2025): Madania

Table of Contents


Doni Saputra, Ardiansyah Ardiansyah
Alya Rahmayani Harahap, Muniruddin Muniruddin
Riansyah Hutapea, Irwansyah Irwansyah