Pengembangan Modul Metodologi Penelitian Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing di STAIN Bengkalis

Mizan Abrory, Mukhlas Mukhlas


This research aims to determine the process and results of developing a research methodology module based on guided discovery that meets the criteria of valid, practical and effective. This research is development research which uses the ADDIE development model. The research was carried out at STAIN Bengkalis with a sample of 5th semester students who were taking research methodology courses. The data collection techniques used were tests and questionnaires with research instruments, namely questionnaires in the form of validation sheets and student response sheets as well as question sheets on research methodology material. Based on the results of the data analysis that has been carried out, a conclusion is obtained, namely that the research methodology module that was developed and has gone through the validation stage by experts is declared to have met the valid criteria. Furthermore, based on the results of filling out the questionnaire by students, it was concluded that the research methodology module developed had met the practical criteria and finally, based on the results of the final assignment analysis in this research methodology course, the effectiveness test showed that the research methodology module developed was effective.

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Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau


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