Pengajaran Kitab Turats Melayu di Brunei Darussalam

Harapandi Dahri


This writing is aimed at discussing the important meaning of turath book in Brunei Darussalam literally as a heritage. While in acontemporary framework, turath is the richness of intellectual tradition treasury inherited by the former religious scholars (al-qudama’). The research methodology is a library research. The result of the research indicates that turath book in Brunei is identical with yellow Book (kitabkuning) although in reality there is actually turath book in yellow. But this is not a big deal because what it meant in this writing is that turath book is the book of former religious scholars, whether it is yellow or not. Turath or more known as theyellow book as a group is often underestimated because it is considered outdated. But in reality, the content of the Turath and its relevancy with the religious understanding of Brunei nowadays are not fully understood. Yellow books are Arabic religious books or written in Arabic by salaf scholars and printed in yellow paper. Actually, the most proper called books as al-turathare the books that contain the treasury of Islamic civilization development creativity in the past. In the treasury there are things are very principles and cannot be ignored.Besides that, the treasury is also composed of the things that are open to criticism. We can ignore some of them because they are not relevant anymore. However,usul fiqh books, mushtalah al-hadits, nahwu-sharaf, tafsir knowledge, and tajwid are all principles, therefore we have to use those books. The conclusion of turath book studies in Brunei Darussalam is not limited to campuses but also taught in mosques in Brunei Darussalam. Book studies that are spread in mosques are limited to aqidah study, fiqh andtasawuf of ahlussunnahwaljama’ah by Imam al-Syafi’i mahzab as the official mahzab in Brunei Darussalam state


KitabTurats, Melayu, Brunei Darusslam


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