This paper begins with a concern and a strong desire to give an appropriate understanding to Muslims compatriots with them, which have limitations in understanding their holy book, then this Tafsir al-Mishbah is presented. This tafsir thus offers a comprehensive discussions that follows the level of habits and understandings in Indonesian style, so that the Muslims in Indonesia do not have to bother to open the Arabic-language Tafsir.
In a discussion of each verse, the writer strives to be a reliable connector between the Quran and the Quran enthusiasts itself. In his study and interpretation, the writer seeks to combine the ideas of the past and contemporary commentators, so the interpretation is loaded with a variety of reviews.
This paper would like to set an explanation of the Quran be very systematic and makes this Tafsir be different from others. He also attempts to show how harmonious the relationship between each word and another word, a sentence and another sentence, even between one letter and another letter. So, the Quran as if into a circuit that never broke, it is mutually reinforcing instead.Keywords
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