Khairuddin Khairuddin


In muslim’s community, there is an opinion that when i’ed days are on Friday so there is rukhshah (relief), i.e muslims are not necessary  to perform the Friday prayers, even more than that-dhuhur prayer is not mandatory. These assumptions are developed in response to the hadith. Hadith authenticity needs to be investigated by using  hadith research method. When observed for the emergence of this tradition based on what was stated in the Hadith, the tradition is referred to as "ahl al-‘awali”  (remote residents) were estimated when they return to the village where they lived, they would no longer be able to perform Friday prayers with the prophet. Based on the understanding of the causes emergence of this Hadits, the leeway given to the prophet is for those who live far from the place in which the Friday prayer is perfoemed. Rukhshah law is an exception to the law  'azimah’ which can be applied whenever there is masyaqqah in  mukallaf that if he is still implemented by   ‘azimah’, at least it will bring trouble. In fact, Islam does not give trouble to mukallaf in performing religious teachings.


Jum’at Prayer, I’ed Days, and Rukhshah


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