Khairuddin Khairuddin


Along with the times, methods and style of interpretation (tafsir) was also developed. A book of commentary, Ahkam al-Qur’an, written by Al-Jashshash is one of the books devoted to the legal texts, according to categories defined by Al-Jashshash himself (Jurisprudential/Fiqhy style). In interpreting the legal verses, Al-Jashshash was combining interpretation hues; bi al-ma’tsur and bi al-ra’yi. The methods that used were: firstly, proposed subsection shall be construed; secondly, provide an explanation of meaning and etymology, confirmed by another verses of the Holy Quran, Hadith, and opinions of the Prophet’s Companions; thirdly, to include jurisprudential issues that may be understood from the verse that interpreted; fourthly, expressed opinion among scholars and arguments that they used; and fifth, to analyze opinions of scholars that put forward, and determine his own opinion.


Legal verses, Tafsir, Fiqh


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