Abuddin Nata


The practice of Islamic education generally is not based on the designed concept but it is only based on accidental concept. The consciousness about the importance of developing Islamic education appears to be Islamic studies after it needs some concepts and designs of education to face the western bombardier in educational practice.   The sources to study Islamic studies are many. First, it can be taken from the Qur’an and Hadits which emerges the special characteristic of Islamic education, namely normative-perennial. Second, it can be explored the facts and data of Islamic history on Islamic education from the Prophet Muhammad’s time up to now. Third, there was Islamic philosophical thought which supports the study of Islamic education on philosophical character. Fourth, it can be developed the applicative-pragmatic type of Islamic education taken from field study. As a result, it can be proposed that the chance to make Islamic education to be a capital to reach the future is not obscure. Therefore, Islamic education should have culture of spirit based on Islamic values, Islamic traditions, Islamic characters,  and the best services.


Islamic Education, Globalization, innovation of education


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