TEORI COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS Pemikiran W. Montgomery Watt tentang al-Qur’an dalam Islamic Revelation in the Modern World

Masduki Masduki


When compared with others, Watt was an honest orientalist when looking at Islam. His view of al-Qur’an is scientific and he is impersonal towards Christianity. Therefore, he defines revelation (Alqur’an) as the reality which is suitable with modern scientific perspective. He interprets Alqur’an historically so that it can always exist in the modern world and being communicative at all times. Watt wants al-Qur’an to develop and that it remains communicative in all contemporary situations and conditions. Given al-Qur’an has been studied and discussed for sometime, Muslims and even on-Muslim should therefore study it in an up to date manner. In fact, there is now an inter-religious phenomenon which sees the relationship between Islam and Christianity going well tunity or external environment as a challenge. The reposition of Islamic education in madrasah, modernization of boarding houses, and autonomy in higher education are the expectations of all sides in order to achieve good quality education which is managed by professional technical practitioners.


Watt, Orientalist, al-Qur’an


Abd al-Wahid, Islam and Orientalism, Penterj. Machnun Husein, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1994).

Iqbal, Muhammad, Islam and Ahmadism: Replay to Questions raised by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Penterj. Machnun Husein, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1991).

Watt, William Montgomery, Beall’s Introduction to the Qur’an, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1970).

_________,Islamic Revelation in The Modern World, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Unversity Press, 1969).

_________,Muslim Christian Encousters: Perseption and Misperseption, Penterj. Zaimuddin, (Jakarta: Media Pratama, 1996).

_________,Islamic Philosophy and Theology, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1960).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v7i2.3797


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