Khairuddin Khairuddin


When the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be up Him) was still alive, the shohabats’ were not interested in talking about philosophy or details and meticulous explanation. They learned ablution, did prayers, went to Makkah for Hajj, paid ‘zakat’ and dealt with other religious components by following what was done by the Prophet. They also did not classify which parts of the Prophet’s behavior that contained arkan (rukun-rukun) and nadah (sunat). When were cases, they came to the Prophet and asked for his advice for decisions. After the Prophet passed away, the expansion of Islam territory was great; as a result people were faced with various traditions, cultures, and complicated problems that needed solving. In overcoming the problems a character was found that colored the thinking model in handling the Islamic laws which is more known as ‘Rational Figh’. This ‘rational fiqh’ was born because of such factors as intellectual legacy, structural and cultural factors.


Islamic laws, Rational Fiqh


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