PEMIKIRAN POLITIK ISLAM: Tinjauan Sejarah Awal Islam Klasik

Alimuddin Hassan Palawa


Islamic Political Ideology: A Historical overview of the beginning of classical Islam: Muslim are divided into three ideologies. Firstly, the ideology which claims that Islam is a religion which regulates the totality of life and finds out solutions to all problems including problems in politics. Secondly, the ideology that claims Islam is simply a religion that has no connection with politics at all. Thirdly, the ideology that claims there is no political and constitutional systems in Islam, but Islam has ethical values for the life of the nation. There is no doubt that under the leadership of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be up on him) the Arab people made a great breakthrough both in sophisticated social and political lives. When the social structure was already set up under the leadership of the Prophet and was then developed by the first caliphs to provide the principles of arranging a world empire, it was considered modern in terms of time and place. It was modern because of high commitment of people and the participation of ordinary people as the members of the community and the openness of their leaders to be evaluated on universal basis which symbolized the leadership which were not based on descent.


politics, Islamic Ideology, community


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