Developing Programming Learning Media Using Scratch on the Concept of Buoyancy to Improve Computational Thinking in Primary School

Neni Hermita, Jesi Alexander Alim, Agung Teguh Wibowo Almais, Pizaini Pizaini, Rian Vebrianto, Musa Thahir, Mulia Anton Mandiro


The research focuses on the development of educational media using Scratch, a visual programming platform, to teach the concept of buoyancy and enhance computational thinking (CT) skills in primary school students. By adopting the 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, Dissemination), the study identifies challenges in traditional teaching methods, particularly the abstract nature of buoyancy, which often leaves students unengaged. The Scratch-based media addresses this by providing interactive simulations, allowing students to visualize and experiment with floating and sinking objects, thus making the learning process more engaging. The study involves designing a storyboard and flow of the media, followed by the development of simulations where students instruct sprites (characters) to test buoyancy. The media's effectiveness is validated by experts, who rate it based on display design, navigation, content relevance, interactivity, and technical suitability, with the overall results indicating that the media is valid and practical for use in educational settings. This approach not only helps students grasp scientific concepts but also builds their CT skills by integrating programming with science learning. The findings imply that such interdisciplinary tools can transform science learning by making abstract concepts more accessible and engaging, and encourage the development of both scientific and computational competencies in young learners.

Keywords: buoyancy; computational thinking (ct); educational media; primary education; scratch programming

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Journal of Natural Science and Integration

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