Journal of Education and Teaching (JETE) (ISSN Online: 2745-9896 ; ISSN Print: 2745-9888 ) published by the US/Indonesia Teacher Education Consortium (USINTEC) Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University is a multidisciplinary research journal of education research and teaching in the form of scientific work and conceptual thinking or concepts that have been achieved in the field of educational research and development that handles and manages various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems in education and teaching at the primary, secondary and tertiary education levels. Specifically for this journal, the articles it publishes are the result of research and development on education and teaching, classroom action research and research in general. This journal is published three times a year in April, August and December.
Vol 5, No 1 (2024): Maret
Table of Contents
Helga Febella, Tri Umari, Donal Donal
Nur Fadhilah Azzahra, Tri Umari, Non Syafriafdi
Sarah Yokhebed, Tri Umari, Elni Yakub
Riska Putri Miktial, Elni Yakub, khairiyah khadijah