An Analysis on Female Student’s Motivation in Comprehending Narrative Text

shelly septiani, jasno susanto


The Purpose of this study is to know how big is the female students’ motivation in comprehending narrative text at the first year of State Vocational High School 1 Pekanbaru. From 107 students of the total population which consisted of three classes, the researcher took 33 students as the sample by using purposive sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the respondents to measure their reading motivation in reading comprehension of narrative text. The questionnaire was based on the eleventh indicators of reading motivation which adapted from Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) by Watkins and Coffey and combined with narrative components by analyzing the data, the questionnaire was assessed by rating scale. The result of this research showed that the female students’ motivation in comprehending narrative text was 66,2%, and it was categorized into high level of motivation. Based on the research finding, it could be concluded that the female students have high motivation in reading comprehension of narrative text.

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Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching (P-ISSN 2355-5971 and E-ISSN 2964-6448)
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Address: Jl. H. R. Soebrantas KM. 15 Tuahmadani, Tuahmadani Pekanbaru 

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