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 Instructions for (Prospective) Writers

A. Writing Instructions

Articles written for IDJ include thoughts and results of research in the field of education and learning. The manuscript is typed in Goudy Old Style font, size 12 pts, with at least 12 pts spacing, printed on A4 paper for a maximum of 15 pages, and submitted in print-out form of 2 copies along with the CD. Files (files) created with Microsoft Word. Manuscript submissions can also be made via the journal's website to the address:

The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree and is placed under the title of the article. If the authors consist of 4 or more people, what is listed under the title of the article is the name of the main author; the names of other authors are listed in the footnotes on the first page of the manuscript. In the case of a manuscript written by a team, the editor only deals with the main author or the author whose name is listed first. Writer It is recommended to include an active e-mail address and cellphone number to facilitate communication.

Articles are written in Indonesian or English in essay format, accompanied by a title for each part of the article, except for the introduction which is presented without a section title. The title of the article is printed in capital letters in the middle.

The systematics of research articles are: title; author's name (without academic degree); abstract (between 100 - 250 words) containing the aims, methods, and results of the research; keywords; introduction (without title) containing background, a little literature review, and research objectives; method; results and Discussion; closing consisting of conclusions and suggestions; bibliography (only contains referenced sources).

Reference sources as far as possible are libraries published in the last 10 years. The preferred references are primary sources in the form of research reports (including theses, theses, dissertations) or research articles in journals. and/or scientific magazines.

References and citations use bracketed reference techniques (name, year). Inclusion of sources in direct quotations should be accompanied by a description of the page number where the quotation originates. Example: (Davis, 2003)

The procedure for presenting quotations, references, tables and images follows the direct example of the procedure used in published articles. Articles in Indonesian use the General Guidelines for Improved Indonesian Spelling (Ministry of National Education, 2009). Articles in English use the standard variety.

All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their field of expertise. Article authors are given the opportunity to make improvements (revisions) to the manuscript on the basis of recommendations/suggestions from reviewers or editors.

Proof-print proofing and editing is done by the editor and/or with the involvement of the author. Articles that are already in try-out form can be unloaded by the editor if known to be problematic. Editors are not obligated to return articles that are not published.

Everything related to permission to quote or use computer software to produce manuscripts or other matters related to intellectual property rights carried out by the author of the article, along with the legal consequences that may arise because of this, is the full responsibility of the author of the article.

Authors whose articles are published are charged a printing fee contribution of IDR 350,000 (three hundred fifty thousand rupiah) per title. In return, the author receives a proof of loading number of 2 (two) copies and 2 (two) copies of loose print.

B. Examples in Writing Bibliography


Anderson, D.W., Vault, V.D. & Dickson, C.E. 1999. Problems and Prospects for the Decades Ahead: CompetencyBased Teacher Education. Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing Co.

Book collection of articles:

Saukah, A. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds.). 2002. Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah (Edisi ke-4, cetakan ke-1). Malang:UM Press.

Articles in a collection of articles:

Russel, T. 1998. An Alternative Conception: Representing Representation. Dalam P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.),Children s Informal Ideas in Science (hlm. 62-84). London: Routledge.

Articles in journals or magazines:

Kansil, C.L. 2002. Orientasi Baru Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Profesional dalam Memenuhi KebutuhanDunia Industri. Transpor, XX (4): 57-61.

Newspaper articles:

Pitunov, B. 13 Desember, 2002. Sekolah Unggulan ataukah Sekolah Pengunggulan? Majapahit Pos, hlm. 4 & 11.

Articles/news in newspapers (without the author's name):

Jawa Pos. 22 April, 1995. Wanita Kelas Bawah Lebih Mandiri, hlm. 3.

Official document::

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1978. Pedoman Penulisan Laporan Penelitian. Jakarta: Depdikbud.Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 1990. Jakarta: PT ArmasDuta Jaya.

Translation book:

Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C. & Razavieh, A. 1976. Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan. Terjemahan oleh Arief Furchan. 1982.Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report:

Kuncoro, T. 1996. Pengembangan Kurikulum Pelatihan Magang di STM Nasional Malang Jurusan Bangunan,Program Studi Bangunan Gedung: Suatu Studi Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Dunia Usaha Jasa KonstruksiTesis tidak diterbitkan. Malang: PPS IKIP MALANG.

Seminar papers, workshops, upgrading:

Waseso, M.G. 2001. Isi dan Format Jurnal Ilmiah. Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Lokakarya Penulisan Artikeldan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah, Universitas Lambungmangkurat, Banjarmasin, 9-11 Agustus.

Internet (individual work):

Hitchcock, S., Carr, L. & Hall, W. 1996. A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm,(Online), (, diakses 12 Juni 1996).

Internet (articles in online journals):

Kumaidi. 1998. Pengukuran Bekal Awal Belajar dan Pengembangan Tesnya. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. (Online), Jilid5, No. 4, (, diakses 20 Januari 2000).

Internet (discussion material):

Wilson, D. 20 November 1995. Summary of Citing Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online),

(, diakses 22 November 1995).

Internet (personal e-mail):

Naga, D.S. ( 1 Oktober 1997. Artikel untuk JIP. E-mail kepada Ali Saukah (



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