Indonesian EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Ability to Design a Lesson Plan

Riza Amelia, Zelly Putriani, M. Gufron Ghiffari


A good lesson plan is ultimately useful for effective teaching. Every teacher is expected to be able to structure the whole learning activities that lead to the learning objectives. The research is a case study that intends to analyze the Indonesian EFL pre-service teachers’ ability to design a lesson plan. The participants were three EFL pre-service teachers at a public university in Riau. The participants were selected through convenience sampling. They were recruited as the research participants because they had taken a course that train them to make a lesson plan. The instruments of data collection were document review and interview. The document under review were the final lesson plan drafts produced during the course. These lesson plan drafts had been written and discussed in the class. The data gathered from document and interview were analyzed by content analysis. The findings revealed that the lesson plan drafts were still far from expectation.

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