Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender (ISSN Print: 1412-6095 l ISSN Online 2407-1587) published by Center for Women and Child Study, Institute for Research and Community Service Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Marwah (pride), a journal about Women, religion and gender invites experts, researchers, and students to contribute their thought and the result of their studies and researches (library and field research) in the areas related to Islamic studies, Muslim society, Human Rights, Children, social cultural on gender perspective. Marwah is an open-access journal wich publishes twice in year (June and December). It has indexed by DOAJ, Crossref, Google Scholar, Moraref, Garuda, WorldCat, Sinta, OneSearch, ISJD

Vol 23, No 2 (2024): MARWAH
Table of Contents
Nazla Maharani Umaya, Zuraida Jihan Annisa, Harjito Harjito, Ika Septiana
Ardhia Aulia Ramadhanty, Fatmawati Fatmawati, Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih
Muf Roha, Saifunnajar Saifunnajar, Titin Sumarni
Uswatun Hasanah, Ida Faridatul Hasanah, Nur Isiyana Wianti, Ayu Reza Ningrum
Ikhwani Ratna, Hidayati Nasrah
Albertus Hutagalung, Nopriyasman Nopriyasman, Gusti Asnan
Ningsih Fadhilah, Mulawarman Mulawarman, Petra Kristi Mulyani