Sebuah Pendekatan Baru Pengembangan Aplikasi Web Cerdas Untuk Memonitor dan Menganalisa Gangguan Kualitas Daya Listrik Kampus Uin Suska Riau Menggunakan Asynchronouse JavaScript XML, S-Transform dan Support Vector Machine
Now days, power quality problems are important issues; this is caused using electronic devices is increasingly widespread as information technology equipment, programmable logic controllers, adjustable speed drives, computers, industrial machinery, energy-saving lamps resulted in a change in the nature of the electrical load. The burdens of non-linear cause disturbance to the voltage waveform can result in poor quality of power. This study proposes a new approach in developing intelligent web application to monitor and analyze power quality disturbances using web programming techniques namely Asynchronous Java Script XML, S-transform technique as feature extraction and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classifier. The test results using K-fold cross validation technique showed that the average accuracy of the system to identified power quality disturbances is 99.34%. This proves that this method is best used to identify power quality disturbances on the web; it can be access anywhere and at anytime.
Keywords:Electrical power quality, Asynchronous Java Script XML,S -transform, Support Vector Machine
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![]() | Editorial Address: FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI UIN SULTAN SYARIF KASIM RIAU Kampus Raja Ali Haji Gedung Fakultas Sains & Teknologi UIN Suska Riau Jl.H.R.Soebrantas No.155 KM 18 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293 ![]() © 2023 SITEKIN, ISSN 2407-0939 |
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