Journal title Initials Frequency DOI Print ISSN Online ISSN Editor-in-chief Publisher Language Fee of Charge Indexing | : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri : SITEKIN : 2 issues per year (December and June) : by with Prefix 10.24014 : 2407-0939 : 2721-2041 : Dr. Muhammad Isnaini Hadiyul Umam, ST., M.T. : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim : English (preffered), Indonesia : Free : Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref | IndexCopernicus | SINTA |
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SiTekIn is published in six months (December and June)
e-mail : sitekin[at]uin-suska[dot]ac[dot]id
SITEKIN Journal Indexed by :
JOURNAL NEWS: Perubahan Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris untuk Jurnal Sitekin |
Perubahan Penggunaan Bahasa menjadi Bahasa Inggris untuk Jurnal Sitekin | |
Posted: 2022-02-08 | More... |
JOURNAL NEWS: Changes in Management, Peer Review Process, Templates, Author Guidelines, Selingkung Style and Cover of SITEKIN : Journal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri |
Journal Resolution 2021 For the development and quality improvement of articles in the SITEKIN Journal. Currently, SITEKIN: Journal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri which has published 18 volumes since its first publication in 2003... |
Posted: 2020-12-23 | More... |
CALL FOR PAPER: Call for Paper Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri (SITEKIN) |
Journal Resolution 2021 Journal of Sains, Teknologi dan industri or abbreviated as SITEKIN is a journal published by the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru, which was published for the first time in 2003. The SITEKIN journal is a means to distribute research results in the field of science and technology. This journal has a publication period twice a year, namely in July and December. Editors receive manuscripts that have never been published by other journals with the writing conditions as listed on our website. Each submitted manuscript will be evaluated and edited for uniformity .... |
Posted: 2020-12-24 | More... |
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Vol 22, No 1 (2024): December 2024
Table of Contents
Analysis of Factors in Decision Making of Ex-Rubber Farmers Regarding the Conversion of Rubber Plantations to Oil Palm (Case Study in Muara Jalai Village, Kampar Regency)
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.31526
| Abstract views : 554 times
Ardiansyah Hamid, Fajar Aga Wandana
1 - 8
Analysis of Personal Branding Implementation by TikTok Live Hosts on Sadojo Snack Sales
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.32690
| Abstract views : 211 times
Ashif Ryandho Akbari, Asep Erik Nugraha, Kusnadi Kusnadi
9 - 16
Revitalization Strategy for Traditional Markets Using Market Basket Analysis (AR-MBA) And Service Quality (SERVQUAL) Approaches
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.32787
| Abstract views : 167 times
Muhamad Soleh, Nurul Hidayati, Tri Dedi Pamungkas
17 - 26
Workload Analysis in Determining the Optimal Number of Workers with The Work Load Analysis and Work Sampling Approach in Tofu MSMEs
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.32896
| Abstract views : 284 times
Muhammad Reza Alghifari, Nana Rahdiana, Suryadi Suryadi
27 - 35
Optimization of Hardness Improvement of Bucket Wheel Excavator (BWE) Trackplate Bushing Material Based on the Taguchi Method
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.33221
| Abstract views : 119 times
Refdinal Latif Hendryanto, Refaldy Yusuf Hendryanto, Amir Arifin
36 - 44
Designing Innovative Packaging to Enhance the Appeal of Adifidz Putra's Small and Medium Enterprises Products
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.33150
| Abstract views : 47 times
indra habibie, Rahmad Akbar, Nurkholis Nurkholis, Dzulhijjah Yetti, Andri Nofiar Am, Adi Febrianton, Tri Kurniaty
45 - 54
Evaluation and Design of a Beauty Clinic's Business Model in Bandung Using the Business Model Canvas (BMC)
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.32725
| Abstract views : 8 times
Feyzi Naufal Gumilar, Farda Hasun, Meldi Rendra
55 - 65
Implementation of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using R Software to Evaluate Linear Algebra Learning Systems Pasca the Covid-19 Pandemic
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.22226
| Abstract views : 25 times
Justin Eduardo Simarmata, Debora Chrisinta
66 - 74
Use of Data Mining Technology to Identify Narcotics Distribution Patterns
DOI : 10.24014/sitekin.v22i1.32064
| Abstract views : 7 times
Nirwan Moningka, Kusrini Kusrini
75 - 82