Jumni Nelli
This paper discusses the creation of woman in the Quran that can be identified by clear principles of the Quran about woman. In the Quran it is not found the verses in detail to tell the origins of woman's events. The only paragraph that suggests the origin of the woman's event is Surat an-Nisa (4:1) . The mufassirs still have different opinion, who exactly is meant by "a single self" (nafs al-wahidah) in that verse. There is a difficulty in understanding the story of the origins of human creation in the Quran as there is stepping or something missing link in these stories. The Quran does not explain in sequence from A to Z, but the jump from A to X and Z. What happens between A and X or Z is not explained. Muhammad Rashid Rida in Tafseer al-Mannar opinion that women were created from Adam's rib .is influenced by the Book of the Old Testament or also known as Israiliyat news
Misteri; nafs al-wahidah; al-Qur’an
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