Saifullah -


This paper is a summary of research conducted in New Market, Pangkalan Kerinci, in referring to the empowerment of women traders in the pattern of ownership (Power of Ownership) on market access, management scheme (Power of Management) and the structuring of the market, as well as making patterns utilization and gains (Power of Utility) more balanced between women traders and merchant men. Empowerment is to reduce direct several factors inherent in a merchant family, poor women are (1) do not have a place to sell permanent (2) the level of buying and selling low, (3) low health, (4) capital is too small, (5) ability to hire los or kiosk, (6) the advantage is not sufficient for basic needs, (7) low wages. Required number of strategic actions in order to empower them, which include short-term actions and long-term action. Programs that need to be done include: a. Prioritizing budgets and resources, in order to achieve the goals and objectives of empowerment of poor traders. b. Setting priorities and achieving the targets of the merchants perempuan.c empowerment program. Evaluating the achievement of targets and implementation of development programs. d. Facilitate market conditions that support through the establishment of local regulations on empowering merchants. e. Motivate and strengthen the organization's participation in the empowerment of trader traders women to achieve independence.


women, traders, Palalawan

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/marwah.v14i2.2625


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