Yuni Harlina


There are differences of opinion about the permissibility of women's political opposite. This is due to understand the Qur'an partial and still gender bias. The divergent views associated with differences in understanding the sources of Islamic teachings, especially the verses of the Koran that talk about politics. This paper discusses how the actual political rights of women in Islam, so that people can understand and are not taboo for women in politics. Based on the identification and classification and analysis of the texts of the Qur'an and the Hadith about politics in al-Qur'an. It was found that women in politics have the right according to Islam. Men and women are obliged to commanding the good and forbidding the evil through several ways including the political media. Islam does not distinguish between men and women in individual rights and the rights of the main civic political rights. However, that should be noted is that all these rights must be placed within the limits of natural as women.


Women, Political Right, Islam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/marwah.v14i1.2590


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