Nila Munana Fajri, Hamdan Nafiatur Rosyida


Violence in the environment and households often occurs on parties who tend to be weak and in this case gender-based violence is still a hot topic in some countries in the world and most of the cases are of international concern. The practice of cases of human rights violations and gender discrimination is still common among South Korean social society. Along with the times with the influence of globalization being its support, women are aware that their habits or culture that seem to degrade women or give full authority to men so that women are easily oppressed are the main basis for the many movements of women to protect their rights. With the Korean Women's Development Institute focusing on gender equality and women's empowerment, its role is one of hope for women to establish their rights and become an alternative to empowering women themselves so that the problem of social inequality can be slowly addressed. Through descriptive methods and the theory of the concept of effectiveness, this paper will describe and illustrate KWDI's programs or strategies in improving the quality of women and the capabilities of its researchers who are more focused on the form of international cooperation relations. The results of this study, through KWDI's HR empowerment program, produce female researchers who are more able to exist in their social life with broad insights and good working skills so that women can compete with men, even though the change did not occur significantly, the efforts of KWDI's research still deserve appreciation for their positive progress.


KWDI, women, glass ceiling, south korea, gender equality, feminism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/marwah.v23i1.20505


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