
Acceptance of New Articles


Masyarakat Madani Journal opens opportunities for those of you who wish to submit articles for publication on:

Vol, 10, No. 1 (Juni 2025), Deadline Submitted: Mei 30, 2025

for that we invite you from all over the world to publish the manuscript. We accept articles from literature research and field research for publication. Issuance is carried out twice a year, namely in June and December each year. Submitting manuscripts via OJS, we advise those of you who want to write to submit them immediately via the page by following the PANDUAN PENULISAN dan TEMPLATE MANUSCRIPT guidelines. All incoming manuscripts will go through a checking process by two reviewers and editing by a board of editors who are competent in da'wah studies and community development.

For further information, please contact the editorial board at WA 085265737376

Posted: 2024-06-21
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