Review of Original Differential Evolution Algorithm: Research Trends, Original Setting Parameters

ShirLi Wang, Haldi Budiman, Siti Ramadhani, Theam FooNg, Farid Morsidi


Abstract: Differential Evolution (DE) has emerged as a widely embraced optimization algorithm, consistently showcasing robust performance in the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) competitions.

Purpose: This study aims to pinpoint key regulatory parameters and manage the evolution of DE parameters. We conduct an exhaustive literature review spanning from 2010 to 2021 to identify and analyze evolving trends, parameter settings, and ensemble methods associated with original differential evolution.

Method: Our meticulous investigation encompasses 1,210 publications, comprising 543 from ScienceDirect, 12 from IEEE Xplore, 424 from Springer, and 231 from WoS. Through an initial screening process involving title and abstract skimming to identify relevant subsets and eliminate duplicate entries, we excluded 762 articles from full-text scrutiny, resulting in 358 articles for in-depth analysis.

Findings: Our findings reveal a consistent utilization of tuning parameters, self-adaptive mechanisms, and ensemble methods in the final collection. These results deepen our understanding of DE's success in CEC competitions.

Value: offer valuable insights for future research and algorithm development in optimization fields.




Systematical literature review: Differential evolution(DE): original differential evolution.

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