1. Questions about Jurnal CoreIT

Does your journal accept submissions from authors outside of Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim, or only from affiliated authors?
Jurnal CoreIT is an open access, peer-reviewed journal managed by the Department of Informatics Engineering at Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Although it is managed by the institution, the journal is generally open to receiving submissions from authors at various institutions, both domestically and internationally.

What criteria are used to determine whether an article is suitable for publication?
Submitted articles are evaluated by our reviewers based on several criteria, including:

  • Relevance to the journal’s scope and topics
  • Scientific contribution and originality
  • Well-organized abstract structure
  • Clear problem statement
  • Appropriate methodology
  • Supported research findings and conclusions

Additionally, all articles must meet our originality standards, with a similarity index not exceeding 25%.

Does Jurnal CoreIT issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA)?
Jurnal CoreIT can issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) upon request by the author. Authors are encouraged to contact the editorial office directly at for further assistance.

Does Jurnal CoreIT have official communication channels such as WhatsApp or Telegram?
The official communication channel for Jurnal CoreIT is via email only. Please use for all correspondence.

What topics are considered highly relevant for submission to Jurnal CoreIT?
Jurnal CoreIT focuses on research in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. Highly relevant topics include:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Expert Systems
  • Deep Learning
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Systems
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • IT Risk Management
  • Information Retrieval
  • Network and Security

Authors are also encouraged to reference recent and relevant literature (published within the last five years).

2. Questions about Article Status

How can I check the progress of my article?
Once an article is submitted through our online system, authors can monitor its progress via their registered accounts. Updates and notifications regarding the review status are also sent via email.

When will my article be published?
Jurnal CoreIT is published twice a year—in June and December. Articles that are accepted after the review process will be scheduled for publication according to the corresponding issue’s timeline.

Why is the review process taking so long?
The review process typically takes between 8 to 10 weeks. This timeframe is due to the high volume of submissions, which requires sufficient time for thorough evaluation by both the reviewers and the editorial team.

Does Jurnal CoreIT provide information about the review status of my article?
Yes, the outcome of the review and the decision regarding your article will be communicated to you via our online system and through email notifications. Please ensure that you check your inbox regularly for updates.

How do I cancel or withdraw an article that has been submitted or is under review?
If you wish to cancel or withdraw your submitted article, please contact the editorial office at and follow the procedures outlined in our author guidelines. The withdrawal process will be conducted in accordance with the established policies.

3. Questions about the Publication Status of Each Issue

Can I still submit an article if the publication schedule for the current issue has passed?
If the publication schedule for a particular issue has passed, authors may still submit their articles for the next issue.

Is it possible to submit an article if the publication deadline is near?
Yes, submissions are still accepted even if the publication date is approaching, provided that the article is submitted at least one month before the issue is scheduled to be published.

Where can I find published articles?
Published articles can be accessed through the “Current” and “Archives” sections on the Jurnal CoreIT website, where you will find lists of articles from the most recent issue as well as past issues.

The publication schedule has passed, so why haven't the articles been published yet?
If the publication date has passed but the articles have not yet been published, it could be due to factors such as finalization processes (editing, layout) or ongoing review procedures. Authors may request an LOA if necessary.

How can I determine if the publication quota for an issue has been met?
The publication quota for Jurnal CoreIT depends on the editorial policy. We advise authors to focus on the quality and scope of their articles. For more detailed information regarding publication limits, please review the FAQ section on our website.

If you have any further questions that are not addressed in our FAQ, please feel free to email us at

Last Update: March 1, 2025