Network Routing Optimization Using Tabu Search Algorithm in Dynamic Routing
Internet penetration is increasing along with the need for data packages for communication such as social media, chatting, video conferencing and others. On large-scale networks such as the Internet, dynamic routing is used to build routing protocol information in the routing table automatically. Currently, Djikstra's algorithm is used to solve the shortest path problem in dynamic routing. In this research, the optimization of the algorithm is carried out in determining the best path or trajectory. One of the optimization algorithms is the Tabu Search Algorithm which can guide heuristic local search procedures to explore the solution area outside the local optimum point. This optimization is assessed from the test parameters measured from the smallest cost. The data analyzed is in the form of bandwidth and topological flow. From the results of tracing the path of data packets sent through 9 routers using the Tabu Search algorithm with the parameters namely number of Neighbor Solutions = 50, Length of tabu list = 10, Maximum Number of Iterations = 100, the result of the path matrix value is 180.9676. The path taken is router 0-2-4-8-9
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