DDoS Attack Using GoldenEye, DAVOSET, and PyLoris Tools
The development of computer networks is happening very rapidly, both in commercial installations, academics and homes of residents who now need and use internet access. Computer networks become a shared resource that is used by many applications representing different interests. With the ability and experience possessed by a hacker, he tries various kinds of computer network attacks with tools that are made independently or those that already exist are immediately used. A Distributed Denial of Service attack or what is often referred to as DDoS is a distributed attack with the aim of consuming the victim’s bandwidth or resource availability by flooding servers, network links, and network devices with unauthorized traffic. Some of the DDoS tools used to carry out attacks include GoldenEye, DAVOSET, PyLoris.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/coreit.v9i2.20020
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