Zikri Darussamin


The tussles of local custom inheritance and Islamic inheritance have various patterns aligned with the kinship system believed. In the area of Limo Koto Kampar, the struggle happened through a very long process and did not free of conflict, although it is not as massive as what happened in Minangkabau area, the origin of the inheritance of custom inheritance of Limo Koto Kampar. Some opinions argue that the inheritance of custom inheritance of Limo Koto Kampar is the same as of Minangkabau’s. This might be true because the custom inheritance of Limo Koto Kampar comes from Minangkabau. Nevertheless, in the later development, the differences exist. In matrilineal kinship in Limo Koto Kampar, the mamakrumah(host) has had frail roles in the tribal environment. The relationship between uncles and niece/nephew is not similar as of in Minangkabau Area. Besides that, it seems that there are the symptoms that Limo Koto Kampar society feel objected to be called Minangkabau people


Inheritance, custom, kinship


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