This study aims to examine the relationship between the theology of God's power with religious prejudices and religious prejudices difference between high school students, vocational and Islamic Senior High School. The data were obtained in the form of scale theology instrument of God's power and the scale of religious prejudice. The Item scale of theology God has a different power ranged from 0.300 to 0.626, with an internal consistency of 0.691. Item scale religious prejudice has different power between 0.333 to 0.820, with an internal consistency of
0.838. The research sample was 968 high school students in Pekanbaru. The results of correlation analysis showed that there is a negative relationship between theology power of God unth. the religious prejudices of -0.125 with a signi.fi.cance level of
0.000. And there are differences between the religious prejudices SMA, SMK, and MA. the F value of 146.182 with a
significance of 0.000
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v13i2.3999
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