PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL DAN KURIKULUM 2013 (Upaya Pengembangan Moralitas Personal Dan Moralitas Sosial-Global)

Amril Mansur


Indonesian  ideal   of  national  education  demands   contained in  the   legislation of  the   republic of  Indonesia  NO.20 of  2003  on National Education  System  requires bom   protege  of  the  national education system  is  a protege of  the  faithful,   devoted  to  God Almighty,    noble,   healthy,    knowledgeable,     capable,   creative, independent,     and     become    citizens    of     a    democratic    and responsible.   The   curriculum as  a  guideline  implementation  of educational  activities  has   been   trying to  implement  the  demands of the  national educational ideal, but  in  the  last few   yeaTS what   it was   designed and   implemented  by  a guidance curriculum has  not been  fully   produce  in  accordance  with   the   dem.ands  of  national education in the  republic of Indonesia  Law  No. 20  in 2003. Curriculum 2013 is designed  to be  able  to bring  the  national education   towards   achieving   the   ideal    of   national  education demands    both   in  terms  of  cognitive  abilities, psychomotor   and affective dynamics  of life in  the  increasinqlu fierce global world .. Especially   on   affective   competencies   in   the    Curriculum 2013 actually got  Q   P€ry s, a egic place  for  the  successful  achievement of   the   purpose   of   the    national   education.    The    achievement explicitly resting intact on  KI.1  and  KI.2  KI.  3.  and  KI. 4 in  which the first   two  KI KI basis for.  3 and  KI. 4 Observing  the   characteristics  of  Curriculum 2013  through the  achievement  of the  core  competencies is the  one  explicitly said that    the    curriculum  2013   will   undoubtedly   give    birth   to   the students   who   have   the  maturitu  of personal  morality  and   social morality-global.   through" placement    KI.1     and    KI.    2   on   each competency   to   be   achieved   by   the   students   in   their   learning experience


National Education, Curriculum 2013 and Morality


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