Khairil Anwar


This paper   is  a contribution of Islamic Psychological Inventory (IPSI) philanthropy  towards  Islam.   Mental Measurements   have   nurtured­ Islam   cognitive, Psychosocial  of  Islam   and   Sunnah  Practice under the  set  IPSI  to  see  the  quality  of  the impulse-cognitive thinking, internalization  and  consistency  of individual  socio-reliqio-indioidual behavior that  is  based   on the  teachings  of Islam   is Islam.   Filantrofi in  the  context  of  a meeting between the  vertical relationship  to the Khaliq with   horizontal  relations  to  their  fellow    creatures.  Mental­ cognitive Islam,   Islam   and  Practice Psychosocial  Sunnah   which  is the   fusion      concept  of   vertical  and    horizontal   relationships   in question,  estimated  to be  highly  predictive  of Islamic philanthropq. Scale-cognitive   mental   Islam    fostered    by    the    construction   14: monotheism,  justice,   deliberation,  congregation,  a  crime, sahsiah, muamalah,  the perspective  of Islamic law,  philosophu  of knowledge of Islam,  Islamic economics, Islamic maintenance,  safety   and  health of  Islam,   Islamic  science  and   Islamic  history.  Scale   psychosocial construct that  is  also based   10: Khaiifah, the  mission  of Islam,  the concept  of  Islamic  prejudice,   the   concept  of  the   life  principle  of

Islam,   the   concept  of  the  experience  of  Islam,    the   concept  of  the interests   of  Islam,    the   concept  of  vision   of  Islam,    the   concept of

comparison,   Islam,    the   concept  of  Islamic  literature  and   Islam. When   practice   is   based     constructs   sunnah    is   fostered   deeds everyday  circumcision valuable in terms   of the  law  implementation. IPSI   is   one    movement   to  produce  psychometric    that    is   based teachings  of  Islam,    and   in  the   same period is as  an   alternative psychometric  psychology  resulting from   the west.


Mental-kogntif Islam, Psikososial Islam, Amalan Sunnah; dan IPsI


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v13i1.3994


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