Bambang Hermanto


The emergence of the economic system shari'ah  as a solution to the welfare of humanity and justice lately has given hope for a better economic life. But, in fact the implementation of shari'ah economy is far from its` philosophical concept. So, it is nessecary to do the redefinition of Islamic economics which not separated from the value or human behavior. Identification of the Islamic economic jurisprudence (fiqh muamalah) can not be separated from the context of the shift in thinking of contemporary scholars of Islamic law jurisprudence. Various criticisms of both content and methodology of fiqh epistemologies had actually begun since the death of the Prophet Muhammad.  One of reasons for implementation of Islamic law in the economic realm is to explore the philosophical framework to build a scientific fundamentalist Islamic economics. There are three basic philosophical framework of Islamic economic. First of all, economic growth based on non ribawiy system, second one, economic distribution system based on Islamic philanthropy (Zakat, infaq, Sadaqah and other endowments), and the third as well as shari'ah trading systems based on halal and thoyyiba products. Philosophical framework of this system of growth in the application of non ribawy covers financial institutions as a central instrument of economic growth system. In the aspect of distribution, the Islamic economic stresses on the principle that the property is a mandate from Allah SWT. This obligation is a form of spending  treasure in the way of Allah SWT. In the aspect of consumption, the basic philosophy of Islamic economics emphasis on systems that are lawful in both aspects of commodity trading and transaction model used. With the collapse of welfare capitalism that is fair, then it becomes a necessity for mankind to deconstruct and reconstruct the economy of capitalism and economic justice berketuhanan called Islamic economy.


Islamic Economy, Production, Distribution and Consumption


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v10i2.3846


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