NEGARA ISLAM (Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Pembukaan UUD 1945)

Imam Ghozali


The Islamic state aspired by some people in Indonesia is a reflection of yearning to the concept of state that has ever implemented by the prophet Muhammad PBUH. They try to fight for the glory through the famous movement in the history namely DI/TII. The movement was stopped, and then rose again when the faucet of broadest democracy is opened during the Habibie government. However, because the concept of state is not detailed in the Holy Quran, and there is historical evidence that in establishing the state of Medina, the Prophet used The Charter of Medina as a form of social contract among Muslims, Christians and Jews. It proves that the establishment of the Islamic state is truly similar to the process of state formation in another concepts, namely through social contract. Thus, the Islamic state is not actually lies on the formality, but the substance of Islamic values, such as the value of unity (tauhid), justice, and the protection of people’s interests


Islamic state, Islamic law, Basis of the state


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